
Test technician for the ATLAS experiment
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Internship supervisor:
Patrick Pangaud - -


Located in the heart of the Parc National des Calanques, on the Luminy campus, the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM) is a joint research laboratory of the CNRS and the University of Aix-Marseille, with around 180 researchers, engineers and PhD students. The laboratory studies topics ranging from particle physics to astroparticle physics and cosmology, with a strong technological focus on electronics, mechanics, instrumentation and computing, enabling the design and construction of cutting-edge detection systems that often have to operate in extreme conditions: in the depths of the sea, in space or underground. Most of our research is carried out as part of leading international scientific collaborations, and our contributions are recognised worldwide. The CPPM is committed to ethical research and to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and provides administrative and logistical support to newcomers, particularly PhD students.


The person recruited will participate in the testing of electronic boards in ATCA format developed by the CPPM. The final electronic system, consisting of 300 boards, is a computer system that will be integrated into the data acquisition processing system of the liquid argon calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment at CERN,

The role will involve close collaboration with the project manager and the development team, and working in an international environment at CERN in Geneva.


The person will :

- Read the electronic schematics of the board,

- Participate in the creation of test benches and thus in the interfacing of instrumentation, integrating control and acquisition IT,

- Write test procedures corresponding to these test benches.

- Diagnose faults, manage the repair of electronic equipments and carry out maintenance operations

- Write test reports

- Manage the supply of components

- Write technical documents

If necessary, you will be given refresher training in the above areas.

The post will be based at Marseille for a 36-month fixed-term contract.


You have a level 5 diploma (Bac+2) such as a BTS or DUT.

Autonomy, rigour, methodology, organisation, analytical and teamwork skills are essential for this position. Proficiency in written English is essential.

You have a good knowledge in electronics. You also have an interest in digital design, instrumentation and system test.

If possible, you also have some experience in the following areas

o Firmware development

o Controlling instruments using appropriate software

o Writing reports or technical documentation

You have knowledge or skills in

o Code development in C or Python

o Measuring and testing electronic devices

o Interconnection standards (standards and protocols)

In addition, you also have

o A taste for laboratory work and human contact

o Autonomy, initiative and the ability to work in a team.


o Hybrid teleworking

o Contribution to transport costs

o Reduced working hours

o Catering services

If necessary, you will be given refresher training in the above areas.

The post will be based at Marseille for a 36-month fixed-term contract.

Assistant Montage et Qualification
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Internship supervisor:
Eric Vigeolas - -

Missions \textbf{Missions}

Au sein du service Mécanique et du Service Instrumentation du Laboratoire de Physique des particules de Marseille, la personne retenue participera à l'assemblage, l'intégration et aux tests de qualification de 900 capteurs de types Pixel Hybrides du détecteur ATLAS-ITK


- Réaliser l'assemblage, l'intégration et le test de sous-ensembles fragiles, précis, complexes et délicats, réalisés en salle blanche (ISO7)

- Participer à l'amélioration continue des protocoles et outillages

- Appliquer les procédures qualités

- Appliquer et faire respecter les règles d'hygiène et sécurité

Cette activité requière flexibilité, adaptabilité, versatilité et minutie pour permettre à l'équipe de montage aux profils variés de réaliser les actions en roulement.

Comptenceseˊ \textbf{Compétences}

Savoir :

-Connaissance de base dans les domaines du montage, du collage, de l'assemblage et du contrôle

-Connaissance de base dans les outils informatiques

-Bonne expression orale et écrite

-Connaissance de la règlementation en matière d'hygiène et sécurité

Savoir-faire :

-Bonne maitrise des manipulations requérant minutie et précision

-Maitriser les outils de bureautique et de communication courants

-Travailler en équipe

-Travailler dans le respect des règles et procédures

-Autonome dans l'organisation des activités a mener

-Savoir rendre compte des activités réalisées

-Savoir développer ses compétences et s'adapter rapidement à des activités diverses

Savoir-être :

-Sens de l'engagement

-Être rigoureux, méthodique et organisé

Contexte de travail \textbf{Contexte de travail}

Situé au coeur du Parc National des Calanques, sur le campus de Luminy, le CPPM est un laboratoire de recherche commun au CNRS et à Aix-Marseille Université, qui compte environ 180 chercheurs, ingénieurs et doctorants. Le laboratoire étudie des sujets allant de la physique des particules à la physique des astroparticules et à la cosmologie, avec une forte force technologique en électronique, mécanique, instrumentation et informatique, permettant la conception et la construction de systèmes de détection de pointe, souvent appelés à fonctionner dans des conditions extrêmes : dans les profondeurs de la mer, dans l'espace ou sous terre. La plupart de nos recherches sont menées dans le cadre de collaborations scientifiques internationales de premier plan et nos contributions sont reconnues dans le monde entier. Le CPPM s'engage à mener des recherches éthiques et à promouvoir la diversité et l'inclusion sur le lieu de travail, et fournit un soutien administratif et logistique aux nouveaux arrivants, en particulier aux doctorants. (plus de détails ici:

L'équipe ITK du CPPM est composé de 3 chercheurs permanents, 5 ingénieurs, 1 Assistante Ingénieur. La personne retenue sera placée sous l'autorité hiérarchique directe des responsables techniques du projet et travaillera en étroite collaboration avec l'équipe de recherche ATLAS engagée dans l'assemblage, l'intégration et le test de l'ordre de 900 capteurs Pixels de l'Outer barrel de la nouvelle version du détecteur international trajectographe ATLAS-ITk installé au CERN.

LE CERN est le plus gros laboratoire de physique des particules au monde, qui a permis des découvertes importantes qui font sa renommée. L'expérience ATLAS est une collaboration internationale de 5000 chercheur(e)s, ingénieur(e)s et technicien(ne)s du monde entier, et compte parmi les projets scientifiques collaboratifs les plus importants jamais entrepris. L'équipe du CPPM est un des membres fondateurs de l'expérience et a déjà conçu deux des trajectographes actuellement en place. Le remplacement du trajectographe actuel (projet ITK) fait parti d'un programme d'amélioration de grande envergure. Il utilisera les dernières technologies silicium pour gérer le taux de collisions plus élevé et les niveaux de rayonnements sans précédent.

Des déplacements seront possibles dans le cadre des activités prévues, notamment au CERN en Suisse.

Des formations (internes et externes) et un accompagnement à la prise de fonction seront proposées à l'agent en fonction du profil.

Avantages :

o Télétravail hybride

o Participation au transport


o Restauration

Informations complmentaireseˊ \textbf{Informations complémentaires}

Postes réservés aux titulaires de diplômes bac + 2 ex.: BTS, DUT, DEUST

Lien vers l'offre officielle pour postuler :

Design engineer for microelectronic circuits related to the detection of ionizing radiation
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Internship supervisor:


Job title: Microelectronic Circuit Design Engineer (M/F)

Place of work: Marseille

Publication date: March 28, 2024

Type of contract: CDD

Contract duration: 1-year renewable

Hiring date: June 1, 2024

Remuneration: Between 2866 € and 3236 € monthly depending on experience

Level of education required: Bac+5 and above

Required experience: 3 to 5 years


Design low-noise, low-power analog integrated circuits, carry out simulations at the transistor level, and supervise physical implementation (layout), and silicon validation.


• Design, simulate, and test amplification and analog signal-shaping architectures. Establish performance/robustness/power consumption trade-offs.

• Anticipate the effects of process drifts to guarantee manufacturing yields. Verify integrated circuit operation within the constraints of industrial use (temperature, EMC, supply voltage, etc.) + characterize operation at the limits of the chosen microelectronic process.

• Write a detailed design document and help define the acquisition system needed to characterize the ASIC.

• Study the impact of advanced technologies on performance.


• In-depth knowledge of analog electronics

• Solid knowledge and creativity in microelectronic circuit design, particularly low-noise and low-power analog circuits.

• Mastery of analog ASIC design, simulation, drafting, and verification tools (Cadence environment)

• Knowledge of mixed circuit design rules (Analog/Digital)

• Initial experience in analog IC design and/or design of test, acquisition, and processing systems

• Fluency in written and spoken scientific and technical English required

• Autonomy and initiative

• Ability to present results orally and in writing, and to lead a technical discussion,

• Cooperation, interaction and teamwork.


The Centre of Particle Physics of Marseille is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 7346). The laboratory is part of the French National Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics (IN2P3), under the joint supervision of CNRS and Aix-Marseille University.

The CPPM is involved in the implementation of detectors for CERN's major experiments. In particular, it is involved in the design of the integrated circuits required for the construction, assembly and development of these detectors.

The CPPM regularly works on industrial collaboration projects related to its core business. For example, the CPPM and a local company have launched a collaboration to design and produce an integrated circuit dedicated to the detection of ionizing radiation. The analog front-end of the circuit will bias the detectors, amplify and shape the signals. In this project, the noise factor of the analog stages is the critical point for the design, since it directly impacts the performances of the ASIC + detectors assembly. Optimizing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is therefore a major challenge to be overcome during the study, especially as it will have to be done in conjunction with optimizing power consumption.

The laboratory has a permanent staff of around 40 researchers/teaching-researchers and 80 engineers/technicians/administrators, plus some 40 PhD students and foreign visitors. The position is located in the electronics department, which employs around twenty people.

Engineer-Developer for the SVOM project (M/F)
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Internship supervisor:
Damien Dornic - 04 91 82 76 82 -


The SVOM project is a Franco-Chinese space mission dedicated to the study of transient phenomena in the Universe, particularly gamma-ray bursts, which are highly energetic explosions detectable even in the very distant Universe. The launch took place in June 2024, and the operational phase is ex-pected to begin in late January 2025. The specifics of such a mission are: (i) the transient nature of the sources studied: it is not known in advance in which direction in the sky a gamma-ray burst will occur, and once the gamma-ray burst is detected, real-time action is required to study it because its duration is brief (a few tens of seconds for the main emission, a few hours or days for the afterglow emission); (ii) the combination of wide-field instruments (for detection) and narrow-field instruments (for follow-up) at multiple wavelengths (gamma, X, visible, near-infrared) to successively monitor all phases of the emission of the phenomenon; (iii) the rapid availability (or even near real-time availability for certain key data) of a portion of the data to the international community to encourage follow-up of transient events detected by other instruments outside of the SVOM collaboration. In particular, the satellite is supported by a network of ground-based optical telescopes located around the world, including the COLIBRI telescope. This telescope, installed at San Pedro Mártir in Mexico, is primarily dedicated to the optical and infrared follow-up of alerts from the SVOM satellite.

The CPPM is one of the French laboratories participating in the SVOM project, contributing to scien-tific tasks (gamma-ray burst study program and multi-messenger follow-up) and technical ones (devel-opment of the image analysis pipelines for the COLIBRI telescope, its interfaces with other analysis centers, and the telescope's monitoring center).

Links describing the SVOM space project and COLIBRI:


The main missions of the recruited engineer are:

· Development and maintenance of the automatic image processing pipelines for the three cam-eras of the COLIBRI telescope, one of which will be equipped with a near-infrared sensor.

· Development and maintenance of the Instrument Center (GIC), which is a web application de-signed to monitor the various subsystems of COLIBRI and track their long-term performance.

· Participation in the telescope operations (COLIBRI telescope operation shifts, COLIBRI In-strument Scientist shift for the SVOM collaboration).

· Participation in scientific activities related to the objectives of CPPM: study of gamma-ray bursts, multi-messenger follow-up for major neutrino and gravitational wave alerts.


The candidate should hold an engineering degree (Master's/Bac+5) or have a PhD at the start of the contract. Experience in a fundamental research laboratory would be highly appreciated. A strong background in astroparticle physics, astrophysics, and astronomy would be a significant advantage.

For technical contributions, the candidate should have strong skills in Python and Bash programming, knowledge of software development in open environments (Git, Docker containerization, unit tests, software quality), and web programming skills (JavaScript, HTML, Node.js).

Proficiency in written and spoken technical English (being able to write technical reports in English, present results orally, and participate in meetings and video-conferences in English) is essential (B2 level or equivalent).

The recruited individual must have excellent teamwork skills. Experience in working within interna-tional teams and large collaborations is highly recommended. In this regard, the recruited person will be required to participate in collaboration meetings in France and possibly in China and Mexico.

Work Context

Located in the heart of the Parc National des Calanques, on the Luminy campus, the CPPM is a joint research laboratory of the CNRS and Aix-Marseille University, with around 180 researchers, engineers and PhD students. The laboratory studies subjects ranging from particle physics to astroparticle physics and cosmology, with a strong technological focus on electronics, mechanics, instrumentation and computing, enabling the design and construction of cutting-edge detection systems, often called upon to operate under extreme conditions: in the depths of the sea, in space or underground. Most of our research is carried out as part of leading international scientific collaborations, and our contributions are recognized worldwide. CPPM is committed to ethical research and promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace, and provides administrative and logistical support to newcomers, particularly PhD students. (more details here:

The recruited individual will join a team at the CPPM consisting of two permanent researchers, one research engineer, one postdoctoral researcher, and two PhD students.

It is a CNRS position funded by a CNES grant for a duration of 1 year, renewable up to 3 years.

Link of the official offer for candidating :


PostDoc offer

Learning methods for dosimetry in hadrontherapy with Prompt-Gamma Time Imaging
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Internship supervisor:
Yannick Boursier - +33 (0)491827641 -

Mission :

The research work forms part of the Prompt-Gamma Time Imaging (PGTI) project, funded by the ERC, which aims to provide an instrumental and methodological proof of concept for real-time monitoring, using real data, of the emission distribution of Gamma Prompts (GPs) in the context of hadrontherapy. A detection system placed around the patient - consisting of a beam monitor and gamma detectors - with a temporal resolution of 100 ps provides time-of-flight measurements of the particles involved in the treatment. The first objective of the proposed mission is to use this data to be able to detect as early as possible any significant divergence between the actual treatment and the treatment plan (simulated upstream), and to stop the treatment if necessary. The final objective is to be able to estimate the dose deposition profile from the time-of-flight measurements with sufficient accuracy to adjust the treatment in real time in relation to the treatment plan.

Activities :

The researcher recruited will join the imXgam team at the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille, which is responsible for developing the data processing methodology for the PGTI project.

He/she will develop a research activity at the interface between information sciences and medical physics in order to explore applications of artificial intelligence for time-of-flight data in hadrontherapy. He/she will pursue the following main objectives: i) perfect our approach to 3D reconstruction of GP vertices based on an optimisation problem that incorporates the physics of hadrontherapy (e.g. in particular by analysing simulated and real data available in order to incorporate suitable regularisations). The results obtained at this stage will be used in particular to optimise the design of the instrument for maximum spatial resolution; ii) evaluate the contribution of machine learning and deep learning methods to jointly estimate the 3D distribution of GP vertices and the anatomical changes (i.e. in electron density) between the time of the treatment plan and the time of the actual treatment. This essential quantity is often estimated beforehand with significant uncertainties that need to be compensated for. Various strategies will be studied and the most relevant (transfer learning, use of Generative Adversarial Networks) will be evaluated on real data with feedback from doctors and radiophysicists.

Context :

The researcher will be part of the PGTI project funded by an ERC Starting Grant led by Sara Marcatili (LPSC) as part of a tripartite collaboration between the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique & Cosmologie (LPSC) in Grenoble, the Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM) and the Centre Antoine Lacassagne (CAL) in Nice.

He/she will benefit from the rich and stimulating multidisciplinary working environment of the imXgam team, the CPPM and the Luminy Campus, including access to the know-how and computing resources of the IN2P3 Computing Centre.

Imagerie médicale

Apprentice offer

High-speed data acquisition board for a CERN experiment
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Internship supervisor:
Julien Langouët - 04 91 82 76 11 -
Sorry, this position is no longer available

Located in the heart of the Calanques National Park, on the Luminy campus, CPPM is a research laboratory jointly operated by CNRS and Aix-Marseille University. It comprises around 180 researchers, engineers, and doctoral students. The laboratory's research spans topics from particle physics to astroparticle physics and cosmology. Its strong technological expertise in electronics, mechanics, instrumentation, and computing enables the design and construction of cutting-edge detectors. Our research is conducted within leading international scientific collaborations, and our contributions are recognized worldwide. CPPM is committed to conducting ethical research and promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace, providing administrative and logistical support to newcomers.

Join our dynamic team of 20 electronics and microelectronics engineers, specializing in the design, implementation, and testing of advanced electronic systems. You will participate in research projects in the field of particle physics, such as LHCb at CERN.


Starting in fall 2024, you intend to pursue an engineering degree in the field of embedded systems through an apprenticeship.

- You are serious, diligent, and have a proactive attitude.

- You are curious and have the ability to solve problems creatively.

- You have excellent communication skills in French and/or English.

- You have basic knowledge of Linux systems.

The ideal candidate will be a student passionate about physical sciences and computer science, eager to gain practical experience in embedded systems electronics and intensive computing systems.

Job description:

Our team is currently working on the development of the future data acquisition system for the LHCb experiment at CERN, which will eventually collect 200Tbit/s. In particular, we are responsible for developing a data acquisition card equipped with the most powerful FPGA from Intel's range. As a full member of our team, you will be involved in the project from the R&D phase to the commissioning of the complete system, acquiring valuable technical skills and project management experience.

Your training will be tailored to your skill level and will evolve over time to allow you to tackle increasingly complex challenges.

Your tasks:

- Master digital FPGA architecture design tools (VHDL, Verilog).

- Master software architecture programming in C++, Python.

- Gain experience in instrumentation with measurements on serial data analyzers, spectrum analyzers.

- Participate in the design of electronic circuits from architecture selection to post-routing PCB simulations.

- Develop algorithms on SoC FPGA microcontroller targets.

- Actively participate in progress meetings and share results.

Additional information:

The first year will involve an integration phase with the development team, exploring the laboratory's operations, familiarizing yourself with the context, discovering the prototype card specifications, and available tools.

The second year will be dedicated to applying the acquired skills to assist in the design of the production card and its test bench based on prototype card qualification tests.

The third year will be a phase of gaining autonomy. Depending on the student's preferences, they may take on identified tasks in electronic circuit design, FPGA digital architecture, or embedded software for the new generation of generic acquisition cards to be developed by 2033. The project aims to develop skills in choice areas: hardware design, FPGA firmware, or software.


CNRS job offer

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