The X and Gamma Imaging team (imXgam) conducts interdisciplinary research activities for ionizing radiation imaging applications in the field of health and energy. These are based on the expertise in electronics and instrumentation of IN2P3, capitalizing its development for large instruments dedicated to high energy physics.
In this context, the imXgam team has built several generations of hybrid pixel cameras for various applications in crystallography and biomedical imaging. We contribute to the development of data acquisition electronics for positron detection by pixelated probes and for rapid gamma imaging in hadrontherapy and we are involved in the development of a Compton camera for nuclear dismantling and hadrontherapy operations.
The imXgam team is a member of the Crystal Clear collaboration and the OpenGATE collaboration, which develop and maintain the GATE simulation platform. At the national level, the research themes of the imXgam team fit into the context of the activities of the Modeling and Instrumentation GDR for Biomedical Imaging (MI2B).
Researchers and Research professors
- Yannick Boursier, mathématician
- Christian Morel, engineer physicist, professor, scientific coordinator
Engineers and Technicians
- Mathieu Dupont, Detectors and Data department technical coordinator
- Fabrice Gensolen, electronic department
- Julien Langouët, electronic department
- Jean-Philippe Logier, mechanic department
- Mohsine Menouni, electronic department
- Mathieu Niclas, mechanic department
- Jérôme Laurence, mechanic department
- Patrick Pangaud, electronic department
- Jérôme Royon, electronic department
- Teo Weicherding, electronic department
PHD students and post-doctoral fellows
Publications imXgam
2024: 5 articles
- The SNR of time-of-flight positron emission tomography data for joint reconstruction of the activity and attenuation images, Nuyts, Johan et al. , Phys. Med. Biol 69 (2024) 015011
- First ClearMind gamma detector prototype for TOF-PET imaging, A. Galindo-Tellez et al. , J. Instrum 19 (2024) P07037
- Characterization of IMIC, an implantable needle-shaped positron sensitive monolithic active pixel sensor for preclinical molecular neuroimaging, S. El ketara et al. , Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1064 (2024) 169456
- surgical radio-guidance using a small Compton-angles collimation probe, Mehadji, Brahim et al. , J. Instrum 19 (2024) T08002
- A fast plastic scintillator for low intensity proton beam monitoring, A. André et al. , IEEE T. Rad. Plasma Med. Sci (2024)
2023: 3 articles
- Detailed simulation of the ClearMind prototype detection module and event reconstruction using artificial intelligence, C.-H. Sung et al. , Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1053 (2023) 168357
- Monte Carlo simulation of a scintillation crystal read by a SiPM with GATE, B. Mehadji et al. , Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 1048 (2023) 167905
- A high sensitivity Cherenkov detector for prompt gamma timing and time imaging, M. Jacquet et al. , Sci. Rep 13 (2023) 3609
2022: 1 article
- Monte Carlo simulation of SiPMs with GATE, B. Mehadji et al. , J. Instrum 09 (2022) P09025
2021: 4 articles
- ProMeSCT : a proximal metric algorithm for spectral CT, S. Tairi et al. , IEEE T. Rad. Plasma Med. Sci 5(4) (2021) 548-558
- A time-of-flight-based reconstruction for real-time prompt-gamma imaging in protontherapy, M. Jacquet et al. , Phys. Med. Biol 66 (2021) 135003
- Advanced Monte Carlo simulations of emission tomography imaging systems with GATE, D. Sarrut et al. , Phys. Med. Biol 66 (2021) 10TR03
- Characterization of a beam-tagging hodoscope for hadrontherapy monitoring, O. Allegrini et al. , J. Instrum 16 (2021) P02028
2020: 3 articles
- Roadmap toward the 10 ps time-of-flight PET challenge, P. Lecoq et al. , Phys. Med. Biol 65 (2020) 21RM01
- On the role of single particle irradiation and fast timing for efficient online-control in particle therapy, D. Dauvergne et al. , Front. Phys. 8 (2020) 434
- Design study of a "scintronic" crystal targeting tens of picoseconds time resolution for gamma ray imaging: the ClearMind detector, D. Yvon et al. , J. Instrum 15 (2020) P07029
Conference proceedings
2024: 1 conference proceeding
- Spectral CT reconstruction with ProMeSCT: results on real data from PIXSCAN, Y. Boursier , F. Cannet , M. Dupont , S. Anthoine, C. Morel , indéfini, The 8th International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography (2024) 292-295, Bamberg, Germany, 5-9 Aou 2024
2022: 1 conference proceeding
- Estimating the Value of TOF-PET Events for Joint Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation, Nuyts, Johan, Defrise, Michel, Roncali, Emilie, Gundacker, Stefan, Morel , Christian , Visvikis, Dimitris, Lecoq, Paul, IEEE Conf. Proceedings, 2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD) Conference (2022), Milan, Italy, 5-12 Nov 2022
2021: 1 conference proceeding
- Modelisation of light transmission through surfaces with thin film optical coating in Geant4, L. Cappellugola , S. Curtoni , M. Dupont , C.-H. Sung, V. Sharyy, D. Yvon, C. Morel , indéfini, IEEE NSS/MIC’2021, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2021), Yokohama, Japan, 16-23 Oct 2021
2020: 2 conference proceedings
- MAPSSIC, a communicating MAPS-based intracerebral positrons probe for deep brain imaging in awake and freely-moving rats, F. Gensolen , L .Ammour, M. Bautista , J. Heymes, S. Fieux, M. Kachel, F. Lefebvre, P. Pangaud , L. Pinot, P. Lanièce, J. Baudot, P. Gisquet, L. Zimmer, M-A. Verdier, C. Morel , indéfini, ANIMMA 2019 Conf Rec. (2020), Portoroz, Slovenia, 17-21 Jun 2019
- Case for setting up a 10ps challenge: A step toward reconstruction-less TOF-PET, P. Lecoq, C. Morel , J. Prior, Nuovo Cim. C, 43, FAst Timing Applications for nuclear physics and medical imaging (2020) 2, Acireale, Italy, 03-05 Sep 2019
2024: 7 talks
- 10 ps: a Challenge for the Future of Positron Emission Tomography, C. Morel , PHENIICS Fest 2024, Orsay, France, 16-17 Mai 2024
- Fast Timing Detectors for Prompt Gamma Time Imaging, S. Marcatili, A. André, C. Hoarau, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, J.-F. Muraz, L. Gallin-Martel, Y. Boursier , A. Cherni , M. Dupont , A. Garnier , J. Hérault, J.-P. Hofverberg, D. Maneval, C. Morel , PSMR2024, 10th Conference on PET, SPECT, and MR Multimodal Technologies, Total Body and Fast Timing in Medical Imaging, La Biodola, Isola d’Elba, Italy, 19-23 Mai 2024
- Optimizing hight energy gamma surgical probes: small Compton-angles collimation for increased SNR and size and weight reduction, B. Mehadji, M. Dupont , A. Montrot, E. Roncali, C. Morel , B. Farman, SNMMI 2024, Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, 8-11 Jui 2024
- Simulation of Photon-Counting X-ray Detectors, M. Leroy , AG du GDR MI2B, Grenoble, France, 9-11 Oct 2024
- Simulation Monte Carlo pour l'imagerie temporelle des gamma prompt, A. Garnier , AG du GDR MI2B, Grenoble, France, 9-11 Oct 2024
- Time-of-Flight imaging for gamma prompt imaging in protontherapy, A. Garnier , R&D Imaging 2024, Marseille, France, 4-8 Nov 2024
- Monte Carlo simulation of Prompt Gamma Time Imaging in protontherapy, A. Garnier , 82th Crystal Clear Collaboration meeting, Genève, Switzerland, 14 Nov 2024
2023: 8 talks
- Time-of-flight imaging for gamma prompt imaging in proton therapy, A. Garnier , AG du GDR MI2B, Bordeaux, France, 4-6 Oct 2023
- Focus sur l’imagerie TEP, défi 10 ps et corps entier, C. Morel , Journées thématiques de la Société Française de Physique : les apports du nucléaire à la santé, Paris, France, 16-17 Oct 2023
- Experimental feasibility of Prompt Gamma Time Imaging, A. André, S. Ansari, Y. Boursier , A. Cherni , M. Dupont , J. Hérault, C. Hoarau, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, L. Gallin-Martel, A. Garnier , D. Maneval, C. Morel , J.-F. Muraz, G. Tripodo, S. Marcatili, 4th ion imaging workshop, Londres, United Kingdom, 26-27 Oct 2023
- An alternating approach to reconstruct prompt gamma distribution and hadron velocity profiles from Time-Of-Flight measurements, A. Cherni , A. Garnier , M. Dupont , A. André, J. Hérault, D. Maneval, C. Hoarau, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, G. Tripodo, S. Ansari, J.-F. Muraz, C. Morel , S. Marcatili, Y. Boursier , 4th ion imaging workshop, Londres, United Kingdom, 26-27 Oct 2023
- A standalone Monte Carlo simulation toolkit at the micro-cell level to mimic SiPMs signals, B. Mehadji, C. Trigila, M. Dupont , C. Morel , E. Roncali, 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD) Conference (NSS/MIC 2023), Vancouver, Canada, 4-11 Nov 2023
- An alternating algorithm for Prompt Gamma Time Imaging with the TIARA project, A. Cherni , A. Garnier , M. Dupont , A. André, J. Hérault, D. Maneval, C. Hoarau, M. L. Gallin-Martel, S. Marcatili, C. Morel , Y. Boursier , 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD) Conference (NSS/MIC 2023), Vancouver, Canada, 4-11 Nov 2023
- MAPSSIC, a beta + implantable microprobe for neuroimaging of awake and freely moving rats: first sensor characterization and in vivo imaging simulations, S. E. Ketara, F. Agnese, L. Ammour, J. Baudot, S. Bouvard, M. Dupont , F. Gensolen , M. Kachel, J. Laurence , C. Morel , P. Pangaud , T. Weicherding , L. Zimmer, P. Lanièce, M. A. Verdier, 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS), Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) and Room Temperature Semiconductor Detector (RTSD) Conference (NSS/MIC 2023), Vancouver, Canada, 4-11 Nov 2023
- Prompt Gamma Time Imaging in protontherapy, A. Garnier , 80th Crystal Clear Collaboration meeting, Genève, Switzerland, 23 Nov 2023
2022: 14 talks
- Deep-learning data processing of spectral PC-CT longitudinal studies to design and optimize combined immuno-anticancer treatments in liver cancer mouse models, F. Cannet , Y. Boursier , C. Morel , R&D Seminar - "Imaging 2022", Institute Marseille Imaging (IMI), Marseille, France, 26-30 Sep 2022
- Monte Carlo simulation of a scintillation crystal read by a SiPM with GATE, B. Mehadji , M. Dupont , C. Morel , NDIP20, 9th Conference on New Developments in Photodetection, Troyes, France, 4-8 Jul 2022
- A mathematical framework for Prompt-Gamma time imaging with TIARA, Y. Boursier , M. Jacquet, M. Dupont , C. Morel , D. Maneval, J. Hérault, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, S. Ansari, S. Marcatili , RITS’2022, Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé, Brest, France, 22-25 Mai 2022
- Spectral CT : avancées technologiques et méthodologiques avec les pixel hybrides, Y. Boursier , RITS’2022, Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé, Brest, France, 22-25 Mai 2022
- Development of a fast Cherenkov detector dedicated to Prompt Gamma Time Imaging, M. Jacquet, A. André, S. Marcatili, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, S. Ansari, Y. Boursier , M. Dupont , L. Gallin-Martel, J. Hérault, C. Hoarau, P. Hofverberg, D. Maneval, C. Morel , J.-F. Muraz, FTMI, Fast Timing in Medical Imaging, Valencia, Spain, 3-5 Jun 2022
- High-speed, efficient, high-resolution gamma ray imaging: the ClearMind project, D. Yvon, V. Sharyy, M. Follin, C.-H. Sung, A. Galindo-Tellez, T. Chaminade, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, P. Rusquart, C. Cheikalib, C. Morel , L. Cappellugola , S. Curtoni , M. Dupont , Y. Boursier , J.-P. Logier, G. Daniel, J.-M. Martinez, S. Jan, C. Comtat, O. Kochebina, NDIP20, 9th Conference on New Developments in Photodetection, Troyes, France, 4-8 Jul 2022
- 10 picosecondes : un défi pour la TEP du futur, C. Morel , Séminaire d’Unité BioMaps, Branville, France, 7-8 Avr 2022
- Characterization of a one face instrumented monolithic PbWO4 integrated detector toward the pico-seconds TOF-PET applications, A. Galindo-Tellez, V. Sharyy, D. Yvon, M. Follin, C.-H. Sung, T. Chaminade, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, P. Rusquart, C. Cheikalib, C. Morel , L. Cappellugola , S. Curtoni , M. Dupont , Y. Boursier , J.-P. Logier , G. Daniel, J.-M. Martinez, S. Jan, C. Comtat, O. Kochebina, IEEE NSS/MIC’2022, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Milan, Italy, 5-12 Nov 2022
- Development of a high sensitivity TOF detector dedicated to prompt gamma time imaging, S. Marcatili, A. André, S. Ansari, Y. Boursier , M. Dupont , J. Hérault, C. Hoarau, J.P. Hofverberg, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, L. Gallin-Martel, M. Jacquet, D. Manéval, C. Morel , J.-F. Muraz, IEEE NSS/MIC’2022, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Milano, Italy, 5-12 Nov 2022
- Update of the optical light transport in Geant4 to model optical coating, L. Cappellugola , M. Dupont , S. Curtoni , C.-H. Hsun, V. Sharyy, D. Yvon, T. Proslier, C. Morel , Technical Forum, 27th Geant4 Collaboration Meeting, Rennes, France, 27 Sep 2022
- 10 picosecondes : un défi pour la TEP du futur, C. Morel , Journées scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale, Avignon, France, 1-3 Jui 2022
- Étude longitudinale de l’effet de différents traitements pour le carcinome hépatocellulaire chez la souris assistée par l’imagerie à rayons X et calibration d’un nouveau détecteur pour l’imagerie spectrale, F. Cannet , AG du GDR MI2B 2022, Orsay, France, 13-15 Jui 2022
- Modélisation Monte Carlo de la transmittance d’un cristal de tungstate de plomb passivé par des couches minces d’oxydes, L. Cappellugola , AG du GDR MI2B 2022, Orsay, France, 13-15 Jui 2022
- Modeling of optical coating for the Monte Carlo design study of the ClearMind detection module, L. Cappellugola , 78th Crystal Clear Collaboration meeting, Genève, Suisse, 24 Nov 2022
2021: 5 talks
- Compton 3D imaging with sparse number of views: progress on image quality @ 511 keV, M.Z. Hmissi, G. Lebonvallet, A. Iltis, B. Mehadji and C. Morel , 34th Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM 2021), Hamburg, Germany, 20-23 Oct 2021
- Estimating the relative SNR of individual TOF-PET events for Gaussian and non-Gaussian TOF-kernels, J. Nuyts, E. Roncali, S. Gundacker, C. Morel , D. Visvikis, P. Lecoq, Fully-3D’2021, 16th International meeting on fully 3D image reconstructionin radiology and nuclear medicine, Leuven, Belgium, 19-23 Jul 2021
- Modelisation of frustrated transmission for the ClearMind module, L. Cappellugola , M. Dupont , C. Morel , S. Sharyy, C.-H. Sung, D. Yvon, 75th Crystal Clear Collaboration meeting, Genève, Suisse, 25 Mar 2021
- Geant4 simulation for the ClearMind project and reconstruction of the gamma conversion, C.-H. Sung, L. Cappellugola , M. Follin, M. Dupont , C. Morel , D. Yvon, V. Sharyy, IEEE NSS/MIC’2021, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 16-23 Oct 2021
- Modelisation of light transmission through surfaces with optical coating in Geant4, L. Cappellugola , S. Curtoni , M. Dupont , C.-H. Sung, V. Sharyy, D. Yvon, C. Morel , 76th Crystal Clear Collaboration meeting, Genève, Suisse, 18 Nov 2021
2020: 4 talks
- MAPSSIC, a communicating MAPS-based intracerebral positrons probe for deep brain imaging in awake and freely-moving rats, F. Gensolen , L. Ammour, M. Bautista , J. Heymes, S. Fieux, M. Kachel, F. Lefebvre, P. Pangaud , L. Pinot, P. Lanièce, J. Baudot, P. Gisquet, L. Zimmer, M.-A. Verdier, C. Morel , 6th International Conference on Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications, Protoroz, Slovenia, 17-21 Jun 2019
- Detectors for X-ray imaging, C. Morel , European School of Instrumentation in Particle & Astroparticle Physics, ESIPAP’2020, Archamps, France, 2-6 Mar 2020
- Monte Carlo implementation and experimental validation of a model of SiPM, B. Mehadji , M. Dupont and C. Morel , IEEE NSS/MIC’2020, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Boston, United States, 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020
- Monte Carlo implementation and experimental validation of a model of SiPM into GATE, B. Mehadji , M. Dupont , D. Fougeron, C. Morel , 74th Crystal Clear Collaboration meeting, Genève, Suisse, 19 Nov 2020
2024: 4 posters
- Spectral CT reconstruction with ProMeSCT: results on real data from PIXSCAN, Y. Boursier , F. Cannet , M. Dupont , S. Anthoine, C. Morel , The 8th International Conference on Image Formation in X-ray Computed Tomography, Bamberg, Germany, 5-9 Aou 2024
- PET tracers surgical radio-guidance with using a small Compton-angles collimation probe, B. Mehadji, M. Dupont , A. Montrot, E. Roncali, C. Morel , B. Farman, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Tampa, United States, 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024
- A Monte Carlo Simulation for Prompt Gamma Time Imaging, A. Garnier , A. André, A. Cherni , M. Dupont , C. Hoarau, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, M. Pinson, J. Hérault, D. Maneval, J.-P. Hofverberg, J.-F. Muraz, S. Marcatili, C. Morel , Y. Boursier , IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Tampa, United States, 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024
- A fast detection system for Prompt Gamma Time Imaging, A. André, M. Pinson, C. Hoarau, Y. Boursier , A. Cherni , M. Dupont , M.-L. Gallin-Martel, A. Garnier , J. Hérault, J.-P. Hofverberg, P. Kavrigin, D. Maneval, C. Morel , J.-F. Muraz, S. Marcatili, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Tampa, United States, 26 Oct - 2 Nov 2024
2023: 4 posters
- Preneoplastic behaviours in hepatocellular carcinoma: cellular and molecular traits in quiescent versus evolving lesions, F. Cannet , C. Sequera, S. Richelme, Y. Boursier , P. Michea, J.-P. Borg, C. Morel , F. Maina, EMIM’2023, 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Salzburg, Austria, 14-17 Mar 2023
- Prompt Gamma Time Imaging technique for proton range control during Particle Therapy, A. André, S. Ansari, Y. Boursier , A. Cherni , M. Dupont , J. Hérault, C. Hoarau, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, A. Garnier , D. Maneval, C. Morel , J.-F. Muraz, G. Tripodo, S. Marcatili, 71th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group, Madrid, Spain, 10-16 Jui 2023
- Optimisation alternée pour la localisation des rayons gamma prompts et l’estimation du profil de vitesses en hadronthérapie, A. Cherni , A. Garnier , M. Dupont , A. André, J. Hérault, D. Maneval, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, S. Marcatili, C. Morel , Y. Boursier , GRETSI’2023, XXIXe Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images, Grenoble, France, 28 Aou - 1 Sep 2023
- Time-of-flight imaging for prompt gamma imaging in proton therapy, A. Garnier , Biomedical Imaging School, Cargèse, France, 29 Oct - 3 Nov 2023
2022: 5 posters
- Micro Photon-Counting Computed Tomography to document longitudinally treatment response in hepatocellular carcinoma mouse models, F. Cannet , Y. Boursier , C. Sequera, S. Richelme; P. Michea, J.-P. Borg, C. Morel , F. Maina, 17th European Molecular Imaging Meeting | EMIM 2022, Thessaloniki, Greece, 15-18 Mar 2022
- Development of a fast Cherenkov detector for prompt gamma ray imaging in particle therapy, M. Jacquet, S. Marcatili, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, S. Ansari, Y. Boursier , M. Dupont , L. Gallin-Martel, J. Hérault, C. Hoarau, P. Hofverberg, D. Maneval, C. Morel , J.-F. Muraz, NDIP20, 9th Conference on New Developments in Photodetection, Troyes, France, 4-8 Jul 2022
- Simulation and event reconstruction in monolithic PbWO4 crystal detector for the ClearMind project, C.-H. Sung, D. Yvon, V. Sharyy, M. Follin, A. Galindo-Tellez, T. Chaminade, D. Breton, J. Maalmi, P. Rusquart, C. Cheikalib, C. Morel , L. Cappellugola , S. Curtoni , M. Dupont , Y. Boursier , J.-P. Logier, G. Daniel, J.-M. Martinez, S. Jan, C. Comtat, O. Kochebina, NDIP20, 9th Conference on New Developments in Photodetection, Troyes, France, 4-8 Jul 2022
- Etude longitudinale de l'effet de différents traitements pour le carcinome hépatocellulaire chez la souris assistée par l'imagerie à rayons X, F. Cannet , Y. Boursier , S. Richelme, C. Sequera, P. Michea, J.-P. Borg, C. Morel , F. Maina, RITS’2022, Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé, Brest, France, 22-25 Mai 2022
- Spectral CT reconstruction with ProMeSCT: results on real data from PIXSCAN, Y. Boursier , F. Cannet , S. Anthoine, C. Morel , IEEE NSS/MIC’2022, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Milano, Italy, 5-12 Nov 2022
2021: 1 poster
- A mathematical framework for prompt-gamma time imaging with TIARA, Y. Boursier , M. Jacquet, M. Dupont , C. Morel , D. Maneval, J. Hérault, M.-L. Gallin-Martel, S. Ansari, S. Marcatili, IEEE NSS/MIC’2021, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Yokohama, Japan, 16-23 Oct 2021
2020: 1 poster
- Towards a binocular Compton Camera for low activity Imaging, M. Z. Hmissi, A. Iltis, C. Tata, G. Zeufack, B. Mehadji , C. Morel , H. Snoussi, IEEE NSS/MIC’2020, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Boston, United States, 31 Oct - 7 Nov 2020
2024: 1 mémoire
Apprentissage profond pour l'imagerie CT spectrale par Comptage de Photons et conception de traitement sur des modèles murins de cancer du foie, F. Cannet, Aix-Marseille Université, 04 Mar 2024
2023: 1 mémoire
Modélisation Monte Carlo d'un détecteur scintronique à haute résolution spatio-temporelle couplé à un tube multiplicateur à galette de micro-canaux, L. Cappellugola, Aix-Marseille Université, 07 Jui 2023
2021: 1 mémoire
Modélisation Monte Carlo d'une caméra Compton basée sur l'utilisation de détecteurs à scintillation sensibles à la position couplés à des SiPM, B. Mehadji, ,
2020: 1 mémoire
Mise en œuvre et caractérisation du système d'acquisition de données d'une caméra Compton pour l'imagerie des gammas prompts en protonthérapie, C. Pimenta Cheble Caplan, Aix-Marseille Université, 11 Dec 2020
Development and characterization of imaging performance of the PIXSCAN X-ray photon counting (PC)-CT prototype scanners using hybrid pixels.
- F. Cassol et al. Characterization of imaging performance of a micro-CT system based on the photon counting XPAD3/Si hybrid pixel detectors. Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express 2 (2016) 025003
- Franca Cassol. From particle tracking to counting tomography. HDR, Aix-Marseille Université, Apr 2018
Construction of PIXSCAN-FLI, a third PC-CT prototype scanner funded by France Life Imaging (FLI), which is assessed through joint application projects dedicated to longitudinal imaging of spontaneous liver tumours in mice with the Institute for Developmental Biology of Marseille IBDM.
- Loriane Portal. Étude de la tomographie à comptage de rayons X avec des pixels hybrides en Si et en CdTe et application au suivi longitudinal du carcinome hépatocellulaire chez la souris. Ph.D. thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, Oct 2018
- F. Cassol et al. Tracking dynamics of spontaneous tumours in mice using Photon Counting Computed Tomography. iScience 21 (2019) 68-83
- Laureate of the MITI 80IPrime for the DePIcT (2020-2023) project
Development of ProMeSCT, in collaboration with the Institute of Mathematics of Marseille I2M, a new proximal metric algorithm for material basis decomposition of spectral-CT data.
- Souhil Tairi. Développement de méthodes itératives pour la reconstruction en tomographie spectrale. Ph.D. thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, Jun 2019
- S. Tairi et al. ProMeSCT: a proximal metric algorithm for spectral CT. IEEE Trans. Radiat. Plasma Med. Sci. 5 (2021) 548-558
Development of positron probes for imaging awake, free-moving small animals, in collaboration with IJCLab (Orsay), IPHC (Strasbourg) and CERMEP (Lyon).
- L. Ammour et al. MAPSSIC, a novel CMOS intracerebral positron probe for deep brain imaging in awake and freely-moving rats: a Monte Carlo study. IEEE Trans. Radiat. Plasma Med. Sci. 3 (2019) 302-314
- F. Gensolen et al. MAPSSIC, a communicating MAPS-based intracerebral positrons probe for deep brain imaging in awake and freely-moving rats. EPJ Web of Conferences 225 (2020) 09002
Development of imaging of prompt gammas in hadrontherapy in the framework of the INSERM PCSI projects CLaRyS-UFT (2018-2021) and TIARA (2020-2023) with LPSC (Grenoble), IP2I (Lyon), Créatis (Lyon) and CAL (Nice).
- C. Caplan et al. A µTCA back-end firmware for data acquisition and slow control of the CLaRyS Compton camera. in Conf. Rec. IEEE NSS/MIC’2019
- D. Dauvergne et al. On the role of single particle irradiation and fast timing for efficient online-control in particle therapy. Front. Phys. 8 (2020) 567215
- Cairo Pimenta Cheble Caplan. Mise en œuvre et caractérisation du système d'acquisition de données d'une caméra Compton pour l'imagerie des gammas prompts en protonthérapie. Ph.D. thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, Dec 2020
- O. Allegrini et al. Characterization of a beam-tagging hodoscope for hadrontherapy monitoring. J. Instrum. 16 (2021) P02028
- M. Jacquet et al. A time-of-flight-based reconstruction for real-time prompt-gamma imaging in protontherapy. Phys. Med. Biol. 66 (2021) 135003
Development of highly time-resolved gamma-ray detectors for time-of-flight positron emission tomography (PET) in the framework of the ANR project ClearMind (2019-2023) with CEA-Irfu (Saclay) and IJCLab (Orsay).
- D. Yvon et al. Design study of a “scintronic” crystal targeting tens of picoseconds time resolution for gamma ray imaging: the ClearMind detector. J. Instrum. 15 (2020) P07029
- P. Lecoq, C. Morel et al. Roadmap toward the 10 ps time-of-flight PET challenge. Phys. Med. Biol. 65 (2020) 21RM01
- L. Cappellugola et al. Modelisation of light transmission through surfaces with thin film optical coating in Geant4. in Conf. Rec. IEEE NSS/MIC’2021
- Release of an update of the optical light transport in Geant4 11.1 to model optical coating (Laurie Cappellugola, Dec 2022)
Development of Compton cameras for nuclear dismantling imaging applications in the framework of the ANDRA projects TEMPORAL (2016-2021) and TEMPORAL II (2022-2024) with Damavan Imaging (Troyes), UTT (Troyes) and Weeroc (Villebon-sur-Yvette).
- Iltis et al. Temporal Imaging CeBr3 Compton camera: a new concept for nuclear decommissioning and nuclear waste management. EPJ Web of Conferences 170 (2018) 06003
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